A guide to digital marketing for late starters.
- Exponential increase in Internet usage
- 89% of users regularly use search engine for products and services
- Number of smartphone users has gone way beyond computer users
- Most Sales interactions are happening online
- Cost effective as compared to other media (but it’s not free)
- A medium to reach large, astute and knowledgeable audience
I hope above reasons helped you understand the criticality of the situation. If you don’t go online still, you might loose the bandwagon forever.
Let’s face it, we are living in a digital era. We may have no idea where it will lead us to in future, but there’s no going back now. It doesn’t matter how much you love your traditional newspaper ads, flyers, direct mailers delivered by your area postman, but like it or not, digital is irreversible and we’ll never go back to pen and paper the way it earlier was, so its time we overcome the fear of the new and embrace the change while trying to get the most out of it.
By now you must be determined to embrace digital marketing for your brand and need to know how to go about it. Its not just about a few social media posts and blogs, its much more than that. You might need an expert to guide you how to get started but for a starter am putting the basic points below:
- Know Your audience: Who do you want to connect with? What sorts of conversations do they like to have? What do they want to know about? Where do they hang out online?
- Know Your industry & Product: Where do people expect to find a business like yours? Are there any regulations that dictate aspects of your marketing? How can you best show off your goods and services? Do you have a specific buying cycle to take account of? Will people buy online?
- Learn about Social media channels and choose the best suited according to your product and target audience (it might take a while to know this)
- Start a blog about your brand
- You will have to experiment a lot with the social media channels, type of posts on them and type of blogs, analyze the response and modify your strategy accordingly
The above steps are a basic approach to starting digital marketing for your brand/store and you should consult/get more knowledge about it. It might seem easy to write a blog or two and posting on social media but it needs a strategy to actually gain from it which means leads resulting into conversion and when its about your brand I suggest to get knowledgeable or hire a professional.