A guide to digital marketing for late starters. If you are a shop owner, a local brand or an established one, in case you haven’t made a presence online, hopefully you realize your mistake very well and repenting having not done it till now. But in case you haven’t realized it still, the following pointers will help you realize this: Exponential increase in Internet usage 89% of users regularly use search engine for products and services Number of smartphone users has gone way beyond computer users Most Sales interactions are happening online Cost effective as compared to other media (but it’s not free) A medium to reach large, astute and knowledgeable audience I hope above reasons helped you understand the criticality of the situation. If you don’t go online still, you might loose the bandwagon forever. Let’s face it, we are living in a digital era. We may have no idea where it will lead us to in future, but there’s no going back now....
Brands, Marketing, Technology and more.