As we usher in the New Year, a fresh lease of optimism is in the air. The industry bodies, the markets, political arena and even the common man is beaming with hope of great expectations raised by the “Make in India” slogan being heard from all quarters. The Inflation in control, a growth oriented government, new businesses emerging and a very conducive environment for entrepreneurs has set the perfect stage for an all time high for a great job scenario. The job seekers can definitely hope for some great opportunities in all emerging fields in 2015 but there are few areas which can expect significantly more number of opportunities than any other. Digital marketing is one such area. Lets explore the what and why of it to understand this better. What is Digital Marketing? As the name suggests- Digital + Marketing refers to marketing a product or brand digitally. Now the digital mediums includes internet, mobile, tabs, etc. a basic difference between tradition ...
Brands, Marketing, Technology and more.