Great Marketing act by Finnish Airlines Finnish airlines recently amazed their passengers on their flight bound to New Delhi from Helsinki by a clap dance on a famous bollywood number by King Khan - Om shanti om.... Passengers on Flight 21 watched in shock as the flight attendants paraded around the cabin trying their hardest to perform. Finnair organized it to mark India's 63 rd Republic Day - a national celebration that honors when India became an independent Republic on Jan. 26, 1950. Republic Day commemorates the date on which the Constitution of India came into force replacing the Government of India Act 1935 as the governing document of India. It's one of India's three national holidays. The act has been appreciated the world over as the most innovative and healthy act of marketing in the recent times. The experts are even rating it as much more successful and innovative as compared to flash mobs which has become very common these days in India. Click to w...
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