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Showing posts from 2012

False Advertising

Came across a few really amazing clicks online truly depicting false advertising. Sharing here... :)

Ads to Admire: Oldy Goldies

Oldy Goldies: Gabbar selling biscuits The Indian cinema's legend Gabbar Singh endorsing the largest selling biscuit of all times-  Glucose-D. 

Ads to Admire: Amul's reply to Petrol Price Hike

A master stroke by Cunha hitting the minds of the people. Click to Learn the difference between Brand strategy & Marketing.

Ads to Admire: Amazing OOHs

Courtesy: Adfaqs

Technology: Locate your train

Isnt it really frustrating when you reach the station in time and your train gets delayed for hours. Wont it be great if you know the exact location of the train when you start from your home or office and leave accordingly. Indian Railways is already working on a dynamic website which will exactly tell you where your train is and how far it is from your station. It will be next few weeks before the site becomes live but if you would like to try it right now, go to  and choose the New Look option. Get ready to face some bugs as its in the beta phase. Happy travelling!

Ads to Admire: Airways

While working on an airline client recently, i came through some really interesting work by airlines across the world. Sharing a few of them i really liked... AnujShailGupt

Ads to admire: Innovative media

"Buri Nazar Wale...Chashma Laga Le"

Finnish Airline's salute to India's Independence

Great Marketing act by Finnish Airlines Finnish airlines recently amazed their passengers on their flight bound to New Delhi from Helsinki by a clap dance on a famous bollywood number by King Khan - Om shanti om....  Passengers on Flight 21 watched in shock as the flight attendants paraded around the cabin trying their hardest to perform.  Finnair organized it to mark India's 63 rd  Republic Day - a national celebration that honors when India became an independent Republic on Jan. 26, 1950. Republic Day commemorates the date on which the Constitution of India came into force replacing the Government of India Act 1935 as the governing document of India. It's one of India's three national holidays.  The act has been appreciated the world over as the most innovative and healthy act of marketing in the recent times. The experts are even rating it as much more successful and innovative as compared to flash mobs which has become very common these days in India. Click to w...

Ads to Admire: OOH creative for Maaza

Changing faces of Cadbury's Dairy Milk chocolate

Amazing- The changes faces of Cadbury's Dairy Milk Chocolate Cadbury- Company intro Cadbury is a confectionery company owned by Kraft Foods and is the industry's second-largest globally after Mars, Incorporated. Headquartered in Uxbridge, London, United Kingdom, the company operates in more than 50 countries worldwide. Cadbury was founded almost 200 years ago when John Cadbury opened a shop in Bull Street, Birmingham in 1824. Cadbury's cocoa & drinking chocolate soared in popularity resulting in sale of 11 sorts of cocoa & 16 distinct lines of drinking chocolate by 1842. In 1905 Cadbury launched the world-famous Dairy Milk bar – still going strong today. Cadbury & others also started making 'Countlines' – bars with other ingredients like nougat, wafer & honeycomb, covered in chocolate – think of Crunchie & Flake.