People in India and even abroad are observing the biggest Social Media Sensation of the recent times. The quirky song from the latest Tamil film by Dhanush & Aishwarya is taking the online world by fire. After a buzz in K-Town, Why This Kolaveri Di... from Aishwaryaa Dhanush's 3 has become nothing short of a phenomenon across the nation. Within a week of its release, the song had an amazing 1.3 million hits on YouTube , more than a million shares on Facebook and is the current fad on Twitter. The added bonus is its lyrics, which are part Tamil and part English and a hit with non-Tamilians as well. It is in broken English, what we call 'Tanglish'. It is hummable and the lyrics are catchy. The song has worked really well. Tamil star Dhanush's Kolaveri Di has become an internet rage overnight. And Bollywood stars are lovin' it too! Neha Dhupia tweeted: 'And the #kolaveridi storm is still on!' Amitabh Bachchan tweeted: 'Ju...
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