Indian RUPEE gets an international status symbol, joins Elite currency club — designed by Bombay IIT post-graduate D Udaya Kumar, is a blend of the Devanagri 'Ra' and Roman 'R' in having a distinct identity — reflecting that the Indian currency is backed by an over-trillion $ economy, symbolizing OUR inching steadily but surely towards being First World countries! India is to have a new symbol for its currency, the rupee, after the government approved the winning entry in a national competition. The year long contest was announced in 2009. The winning entry was one of five shortlisted in the public competition announced in March 2009 submitted by D Udaya Kumar, a newly-appointed teacher of design at the Indian Institute of Technology. Designers were given a brief to come up with a symbol that captures the ethos and culture of India. A panel of artists, officials and bankers picked the new design. The symbol is a cross between the Roman letter R and its Hindi equival...
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