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The market of integrating AI with internal systems of organisations

 The business of AI integration with organizational internal software, often referred to as enterprise AI or AI for business, is significant and continues to grow rapidly. As organizations seek to leverage artificial intelligence to improve efficiency, productivity, and decision-making, the demand for AI integration into internal software systems has increased across various industries. Here are some key aspects to consider regarding the size and growth of this market: Market Size : The market size for AI integration with organizational internal software is difficult to quantify precisely due to its broad scope and varying definitions. However, several reports and market research studies provide insights into the overall AI market size and its subsets, such as enterprise AI. Growth Trends: The adoption of AI within organizational software systems is experiencing robust growth. Companies across industries are investing in AI-powered solutions to automate repetitive tasks, enhance da...
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Why should B2B companies invest in Brand Building?

Brand Building is more relevant to B2C companies. As a B2B marketer, you've been hearing this for a long time. The best B2B Marketers think differently. The approach to B2B marketing has changed in recent years and the most significant change is the increasing importance of brand-building activities in the b2b space. Transmission , the largest independent global B2B marketing agency, launched its report on  THE STATE OF B2B BRAND BUILDING,  at the Cannes Lion Festival of Creativity 2022. Here are a few KEY TAKEAWAYS from the report: - Brand is climbing up the boardroom agenda, with 60% of B2B marketers considering it to be a priority for the CEOs and boards. - High-performing demand generation campaigns may drive interest in your solutions, but they don’t change behaviour or affect relationships. - Brands need to build some distinctiveness to encourage actions in their favour. - There is still a clear lack of creativity in B2B brand building which helps in having this distinct...

Ads to Admire: Burger King

 Hi Guys,  So I am back with another interesting set of creatives from the creative geniuses from Columbia for Burger King. In this beautiful campaign, they have literally sliced and grilled their closest competitor Mx Dxxxxxx. Enjoy. Brand: Berger King Agency: Brother Escuela de Creativos, Bogotá, Colombia Art Director: Javier Cáceres Copywriter: Aura Moreno q

Marketing and Communication during Covid-19

Humankind is facing a never before challenge and this will change the way we know the world. We have never seen such a large population of the world, locked in homes for this long. In the last three months, we have realized that we will have to change a lot in our way of life as we move on. How Pandemic has changed the world for Marketers With more than half of the population living under restrictions, every marketeer is facing a two-pronged challenge. The first one is a sharp drop in sales and second, limited marketing channels. Even if they market, it’s very unlikely that people will be able to buy and sales will pick. And then, with shrinking revenues, marketers across the world, are under enormous pressure and, either already facing or will face the pay cuts or shrinking team sizes subsequently. What not to do at this time Marketers or brand managers need to be extra cautious while doing any communication. This is not the time to be an opportunist marketeer rather...

Ads to Admire: Pasari Group

Hi Folks, So after a break, here's my pick from the recent creative works in advertising. The creative team has beautifully addressed the devil of pollution on the occasion of Durga Puja. For our friends who are not aware of Durga Puja, it is the festival in India when it is believed that the evil daemon was killed by the goddess Durga. This is representative of the triumph of good over evil in Hindu tradition. Brand : Pasari Group Product Group : Real Estate

Ads to Admire: Society Tea

Hi folks, So it took close to two years to bring you another post. The advertising job has its disadvantages. ;) Here's my pick from the recent campaigns (OOH) I came across. Brand : Society Tea Product Group : Tea Client : Hasmukh & Co

How to Keep Yourself Motivated Every Day

Enough has been said and written on how to achieve your goals and motivation to fulfill your dreams but with time I have realized that our everyday life needs a motivation to get up in the morning and take on the grills of the daily life. And accomplish all the things you are supposed to do everyday day. it's easy to find a motivation to win a game or gain promotion but what about the motivation needed to get up each morning and carry on your daily chores, go to the office, finish your daily routine and hit the bed. Even I feel demotivated to do so each day and have found a set of do’s to keep myself motivated in everyday life. Let’s discuss a few of those here. 1. Read a motivational quote every morning  It is very important to start your day with a positive thought, it sets the tone of the day. The best way to do this is following someone on twitter who keeps tweeting inspirational quotes or there are numerous apps for this as well. A positive thought in the...